Odbor kompatibility s právem ES
Úřad vlády ČR
Informační Systém pro Aproximaci Práva
Databáze č. 17 : Databáze judikatury
ă Odbor kompatibility s právem ES, Úřad vlády ČR - určeno pouze pro potřebu ministerstev a ostatních ústředních orgánů

Číslo (Kód CELEX):
Number (CELEX Code):
Judgment of the Court of 12 November 1974.
Friedrich Haaga Gmbh
Preliminary ruling requested by the Bundesgerichtshof.
First Directive on Company law.
Case 32-74.
Předmět (klíčová slova):
Související předpisy:
Corresponding acts:
Odkaz na souvisejicí judikáty:
Corresponding Judgements:
Plný text:


Názor soudu a komentář:

Shrnutí (Summary of the Judgment):

Companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the EEC Treaty - compulsory disclosure - extent -provisions as to representation - appointment of a single director (first Council Directive of 9 march 1968, Article 2 (1) (d), second sentence)

In view of the intensification of trade patterns following the creation of the common market and in the interest of legal transactions between nationals of different member states, it is important that any person wishing to establish and develop trading relations with companies situated in other member states should be able easily to obtain essential information relating to the constitution of trading companies and to the powers of persons authorized to represent them: the relevant information should therefore be expressly stated in official registers or records, even if certain information follows automatically from national legislation or may appear self-evident.

Article 2 (1) (d), second sentence, of the first Council Directive of 9 March 1968 on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by member states of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the treaty, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent throughout the Community, must be interpreted as meaning that were the body authorized to represent a Company may consist of one or of several members, disclosure must be made not only of the provisions as to representation applicable in the event of the appointment of several directors, but also, in the event of the appointment of a single director, of the fact that the latter represents the company alone, even if his authority to do so clearly flows from national law.

Plný text judikátu (Entire text of the Judgment):